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Our Chiropractor

Dr. Chris LaRocque

Dr. Chris LaRocque,

BSc., D.C., Chiropractor

Dr. Chris LaRocque

Dr LaRocque has shown his love for body mechanics and functional development since the age of 16 when he began training for what would turn into his Chiropractic career.

The combination of academic excellence and experience of semiprofessional sport provides him with great insight into multilevel cause and prevention of injuries and a platform for rehabilitative and therapeutic strategies. He has worked with collegiate, national, and professional level athletes as a Strength Coach and Chiropractor and loves sharing his abilities with the general population.

Dr LaRocque Graduated in 2009 with a BSc. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Northern British Columbia. He obtained his doctorate of Chiropractic from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 2014.

He practices an evidence-based patient-centred model of care to help his patients resolve current pain, then addresses the underlying body imbalances to prevent and minimise recurrence. He uses various treatment options involving chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapy (Functional Range Release Techniques, Graston Techniques), gentle joint mobilizations, pain and healing modalities (IFC, US, Laser, Microcurrent, Shockwave, Spinal decompression), ergonomic advice, orthotics, and personalized and progressive therapeutic exercise programs.

He has a wealth of knowledge and is always eager to learn more. He has participated in continuing education to improve his skill; focusing on certified soft tissue and developmental rehabilitative techniques.

  • Pilates Instructors
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  • Chiropractors

    Chris LaRocque

    Dr. Chris LaRocque,

    BSc., D.C., Chiropractor

    Dr LaRocque has shown his love for body mechanics and functional development since the age of 16 when he began training for what would turn into his Chiropractic career.

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